Slurpie 终于遇到了Pipsqueak ,他非常高兴见到了一位朋友; Bubblie 想给熊熊们看他吹出的泡泡; Fumblie 问是否那些熊熊也是犀牛; Dummie 一点儿也没看明白那个电影; Happie 仅仅因为可以看电视就感到很高兴; Shinie 说在老雷斯的国土上生活也会完全没问题; Funnie 看到那些熊熊时不住地咯咯笑; Biggie爱那些熊熊们…
Happie takes a tour to Liu Li Chang in Beijing, and was ecstatic to find so many different kinds of calligraphy brushes. He spent the whole afternoon there testing out the brushes and ink! Maybe he can go to class with Noch Noch one day?
All the bears gathered to wish Noch Noch the Bearalist a happy birthday