Trips over himself all the time, so thus has no time for anything else.
Trips over himself all the time, so thus has no time for anything else.
Slurpie and Clumsie, hanging out on the beach – or did they trip themselves over?
Clumsie tried to climb into the game machine but got completely stuck – so clumsy! And so dumb like Dummie!
So Germany won… but the Bears don’t really care… They just want some marshmallows, and Bamboo wants her play space back…
Slurpie and Clumsie plays a game but instead of hitting the slab, Clumsie slids across the table! Aiyo!
Following from Lorax I, as the bears watched the movie, they thought: … Dreamie wanted import marshmallows into his candy floss castle; Beezie was too busy running around he did not even watch the movie; Floozie thought he was watching Star Wars; Crushie wondered if marshmallows could be lollipops; Scruffie was disgusted that the bears
All the bears wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year, and wish you all good health, prosperity, safety, and happiness in the Year of the Bear Horse!
Noisie makes some music (errr… noise) on the keyboard, and Clumsie follows – but Clumsie tripped over the keys and fell
All the bears gathered to wish Noch Noch the Bearalist a happy birthday
After Clumsie fell onto the keyboard, he broke his leg and had to stay on a wheelchair for 3 weeks!
with the addition of Fumblie, Bubblie, Clumsie, Dummie, Beezie, Crushie, and Wuzzie! Fumblie?Bubblie?Clumsie?Dummie?Beezie?Crushie?Wuzzie????! Fumblie?Bubblie?Clumsie?Dummie?Beezie?Crushie?Wuzzie????!
Finally, the long awaited Scruffie arrives. All the bears get together to welcome him
All the bears rolled on the floor laughing in hysterics, but I am not sure what the joke was…
Clumsie pretends to be a horse warrior from the Qin Dynasty, strong, fast and un-clumsy