Banker bear, stressed out reading the Financial Times and Bloomberg everyday, calculates every favour for a favour.
Banker bear, stressed out reading the Financial Times and Bloomberg everyday, calculates every favour for a favour.
Let’s play in the sandpit! Chillie is just hanging out Cheekie is trying to throw sand into Dummie’s ear. Dummie cannot get out. And Fuzzie thinks they are all wasting time and not being productive!
Let’s play in the sandpit! Chillie is just hanging out, Cheekie is trying to throw sand into Dummie’s ear. Dummie cannot get out. And Fuzzie thinks they are all wasting time and not being productive
A tea party? Who’s coming? We can see Fuzzie, Chillie, Floozie, Cheekie, Shinie, and Dummie (so dumb that he sat inside a shark’s mouth!)
So Germany won… but the Bears don’t really care… They just want some marshmallows, and Bamboo wants her play space back…
The wind blew all the money away!!! Fuzzie is busy counting all the notes in the air!
Why do we spend so much money to come watch a tennis game? What a waste of money! We should just go into the VIP box organized by my clients!
All the bears wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year, and wish you all good health, prosperity, safety, and happiness in the Year of the Bear Horse!
Fuzzie bought 100 bandaids – all of different colours and styles – for only RMB 30. He calculated that it was the best bargain!
The bears gathered around to watch Lorax, and study the other bears in the movie: Trendie wondered why they aren’t wearing any clothes; Fuzzie calculated the GDP of the bear economy; Muddie wanted to go dance with them; Noisie sang along with all the songs and even tried to dance; Chillie relaxed on to the
All the bears gathered to wish Noch Noch the Bearalist a happy birthday
with the addition of Fumblie, Bubblie, Clumsie, Dummie, Beezie, Crushie, and Wuzzie! Fumblie?Bubblie?Clumsie?Dummie?Beezie?Crushie?Wuzzie????! Fumblie?Bubblie?Clumsie?Dummie?Beezie?Crushie?Wuzzie????!
Finally, the long awaited Scruffie arrives. All the bears get together to welcome him
Fuzzie tries a meat pie in Canberra, but he spent too much time calculating the cost of the pie that it became cold and Fuzzie couldnt enjoy the pie anymore. Fuzzie?Fuzzie? Fuzzie?Fuzzie?
Fuzzie是銀行家小熊,他每天都花一定的時間看金融報刊,查閱彭博資訊上的股票和貿易動向. Fuzzie代表了以前我做公司主管的日子。 除非你付給他足夠的錢,否則他是不會做任何事的,他不把其他的小熊放在眼裡,因為他們不像他一樣能夠獨立理財。 他一直告訴Muddie要學會理財,懂得用Excel表格做預算表。 Muddie當然不會理會他,繼續享受著自己的音樂和飲料,而Fuzzie則繼續猛敲計算器,給自己層層施壓。