
Artist personality; expresses himself through music and bangs around. No one appreciates the noise he makes but he is convinced one day his melodies and creation will be understood by the world.

Tokyo subway

Tokyo subway

Bookie and Noisie wonders how to navigate the Tokyo subway system. Where do they want to go? Asakusa maybe?

World Cup 2

World Cup 2

So Germany won… but the Bears don’t really care… They just want some marshmallows, and Bamboo wants her play space back…

World Cup 1

World Cup 1

Who are you rooting for tonight? The bears are all ready for the Finals!!!!

Noisie in sakura

Noisie in sakura

The cherry blossoms in Japan are so pretty, that Noisie forgot to make any noise, and just stayed in quiet to appreciate.

Year of the Bear

Year of the Bear

All the bears wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year, and wish you all good health, prosperity, safety, and happiness in the Year of the Bear Horse!

Joint Venture II

Joint Venture II

The bears lined up for snuggles one after the other, especially as it is so cold in Beijing these days….

Bear train

Bear train

All the bears line up to play choo choo train! Does Bamboo want to play too?

Keyboard adventure

Keyboard adventure

Noisie makes some music (errr… noise) on the keyboard, and Clumsie follows – but Clumsie tripped over the keys and fell

Noise & Bookie in Tokyo

Noise & Bookie in Tokyo

Noisie and Bookie took a trip to Tokyo, but got too absorbed in watching sumo on TV they almost forgot to go out to play!

Lorax I

Lorax I

The bears gathered around to watch Lorax, and study the other bears in the movie: Trendie wondered why they aren’t wearing any clothes; Fuzzie calculated the GDP of the bear economy; Muddie wanted to go dance with them; Noisie sang along with all the songs and even tried to dance; Chillie relaxed on to the

Noisie�s musicNoisie???Noisie???

<!--:en-->Noisie�s music<!--:--><!--:zh-->Noisie???<!--:--><!--:hk-->Noisie???<!--:-->

Noisie started practicing a new score on the keyboard. BANG BANG BANG! All the bears ran off and hid away fr the noise.Noisie ????????????????????????????????????????? Noisie ?????????????????????????????????????????

Noisie tries Dragon Festival Dumplings

Noisie tries Dragon Festival Dumplings

One more week till Dragon Boat Festival, and Noisie tries some dumplings in anticipation!

Happy Birthday to Noch Noch the Bearalist

Happy Birthday to Noch Noch the Bearalist

All the bears gathered to wish Noch Noch the Bearalist a happy birthday

and the family kept growing

and the family kept growing

with the addition of Fumblie, Bubblie, Clumsie, Dummie, Beezie, Crushie, and Wuzzie!   Fumblie?Bubblie?Clumsie?Dummie?Beezie?Crushie?Wuzzie????! Fumblie?Bubblie?Clumsie?Dummie?Beezie?Crushie?Wuzzie????!

Choir performance

Choir performance

Noisie sings along at a madrigal performance at the home of the British Ambassador. He was making so much noise that Noch Noch nearly threw him out. Noisie was upset his talent was not recognized and no one liked his music. But he does not give up and know that one day his influence will

Oh Christmas Tree

Oh Christmas Tree

The bears start their mission to put up the Christmas tree before Noch Noch gets home, but they are making a mess as they can’t reach the top of the tree

Scruffie arrives

Scruffie arrives

Finally, the long awaited Scruffie arrives. All the bears get together to welcome him

Funnie s stand up comedy showFunnie ? Funnie ?

Funnie s stand up comedy showFunnie ? Funnie ?

All the bears rolled on the floor laughing in hysterics, but I am not sure what the joke was…  

Happie joining the Beardom

Happie joining the Beardom

Happie introducing himself to the other bears.