Slumpie & Winkie
Twins, runs off on their own in search for the best honey in the world, top pick is eucalyptus honey from Australia.
Twins, runs off on their own in search for the best honey in the world, top pick is eucalyptus honey from Australia.
So Germany won… but the Bears don’t really care… They just want some marshmallows, and Bamboo wants her play space back…
Although Punkie spent most of his time pulling pranks and skateboarding, he still found time to buy some natural honey for Slumpie & Winkie as souvenirs. Is there some left for Noch Noch the Bearalist?
Other bears lined up for free bear hugs and felt very loved… Thanks to the Joint Venture between Biggie & Snuggie!
All the bears wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year, and wish you all good health, prosperity, safety, and happiness in the Year of the Bear Horse!
A family of six at the beginning: Floppie, Muddie, Slurpie, Fuzzie, Slumpie & Winkie.
All the bears gathered to wish Noch Noch the Bearalist a happy birthday
Slumpie & Winkie plays with the new sling toy and starts shooting cotton balls at each other….
with the addition of Fumblie, Bubblie, Clumsie, Dummie, Beezie, Crushie, and Wuzzie! Fumblie?Bubblie?Clumsie?Dummie?Beezie?Crushie?Wuzzie????! Fumblie?Bubblie?Clumsie?Dummie?Beezie?Crushie?Wuzzie????!
Floppie is excited with his present to Slumpie & Winkie. He got some honey from Australia for them!
Finally, the long awaited Scruffie arrives. All the bears get together to welcome him
Slumpie & Winkie shops for honey. They wanted to buy all of it but didn’t bring enough money!
Slumpie和Windkie是雙胞胎,他們總是走丟。蜂蜜是他們的最愛。 一到晚上,他們就徹底洗劫食品櫃,尋找蜂蜜。一次,他們找到了一些澳洲蜂蜜,欣喜若狂。 他們花了好長時間把那罐蜂蜜從廚房搬到聖誕樹下。他們把它裝進一個盒子裡,送給Floppie作為他的禮物。 但是,由於Floppie只吃蚊子,所以Floppie把蜂蜜還給Slumpie和Winkie,作為他們的聖誕禮物。