
Super high maintenance prima donna diva all in one. Craves limelight and being center of attention. A real celebrity and would not mix with the other bears not in his league. Suck up, rich and famous. But an empty soul inside.

wee giraffe rode

wee giraffe rode

Starrie giraffe rodeo. Almost didn’t see him….  and how can Starrie who likes to be in the spotlight tolerate not being seen?

more attention please

more attention please

Starrie prima donna already making a new year wish for more gold and wealth — and attention!

more gold still

more gold still

Starrie wants even more and more gold! Year of the Dog seems to be off to a good start for him…. Wonder what Fuzzie thinks?

Year of the BearDog

Year of the BearDog

Starrie wishes everyone the best of health and a very playful Year of the Dog! Woof Woof Woof!!!

World Cup 2

World Cup 2

So Germany won… but the Bears don’t really care… They just want some marshmallows, and Bamboo wants her play space back…

World Cup 1

World Cup 1

Who are you rooting for tonight? The bears are all ready for the Finals!!!!

Starrie Bear

Starrie Bear

Hi! I’m Starrie, I’m a star, a celebrity! Do you want my autograph?