Many companies want to bring Wellness initiatives to their employees but do not know how – or rather, what their employees want and need. Bearapy is here to help organizations find out and strategize targeted wellness initiatives for maximum effectiveness.
Bearapy can advise companies on their Wellness Strategies in the following ways:
- Localizing global wellness initiatives for Asia-Pacific
- Diversity & Inclusion programs Advise and recommend annual planning initiatives on Wellness activities, internal campaigns, and external community engagement
- In-depth analysis of past wellness initiatives, trends, and engagement surveys to identify areas of focus
- Customize program design to meet employee needs in the space of mental wellness and resilience
- Identify ways to maximize usage of Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs)
- Design curricula to align with internal leadership development, talent retention and management.
- Connect wellness initiatives with Employee Value Propositions

BEARAPY advises MNCs, startups, non-profit & governmental organizations on mental health issues in organizations, and recommends how to strengthen company culture so that employees fully engaged and productive in the workplace.
Moreover, we assist companies that would like to engage with the community in mental health areas for their CSR work.
BEARAPY offers a wide range of consulting services. For more detail, please download our one-page brochures and share with your HR team.