Bearapy advocates inner playfulness for adults – for the power of play is not only in learning and creativity, but also in reinforcing self-awareness, coping with stress and relaxation, and strengthening wellbeing.
Many adults – particularly in Asia — have forgotten how to play, or rather depend on permission to play. And in not playing, we neglect our inner potential and strengths.
Play builds team bonding, reduces stress, stimulates creativity, and most importantly, ignites fun, and allows us to enjoy life. This attitude reinforces productivity, employee engagement and loyalty, and cements corporate culture while allowing adaptations to changes. A playful state of mind elicits the power in our unconscious mind, bringing it to our consciousness to add value to our decision-making processes. So, why not?

Based in psychological research on playfulness, Bearapy’s PLAYshops are designed to be experiential, fun, and participants walk away with a deeper understanding of themselves, their leadership capacities, and mental wellness.
Some of our flagship PLAYshops are:
- Play to manage stress/adversity
- Playful parenting
- How to play NOW?